Spring is sprung?!

I don't know about you but it doesn't feel like spring to me. With the incessant rain, bridge closures and flooding, it feels like January. Not helped by memories popping up on the phone of sunnier past years 😩

But...there are glimmers. The tulips are blooming, the seeds are planted and the grass is finally growing.

A little bit relieved we chose to lamb this year in July, bar one who had a phantom pregnancy last year who I think decided it wasn't happening who is now due in a few weeks being well. Although she is four, her lamb will need to be bottle fed and she will be retired from lambing and live her days being a lawn mower. So as I try to increase the flock it certainly feels like a set back however much we plan but we deal with it. The health of all our animals will always come first.

Although we will be calving at the same time, it will be an intense and hopefully quick time (with not having time to overthink) 

Lots of new breeding lines being added again this year which we are looking forward to and new life on the farm is always the best time.

Calf/lamb spam to follow...

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